‘By Believing, You May Have Life In His Name’

Pastor Barron’s sermon for Sunday is titled, “Seeing and Believing, Part II.” His text is John 20:19-29.

Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting And Bible Study Continues

Join us on Wednesday evenings as we pray for our church and study God’s Word. We meet each week at 7:00 in the Orchid Room. Currently, we are studying the book of Romans and will be closing out our study with Chapter 16.

Next Church Discussion On April 28 Continues On The Topic Of Prayer

We will begin with the article, “What Is Prayer?” by Barry J. York and go through “What If I Don’t Feel Like Praying?” by Adriel Sanchez. These are all found in the beginning section of the the March Tabletalk. Join us at 4:00 pm at the home of Don and Janice Woodard, 103 Wynn Circle, 29617.

The next Church Discussion time is Sunday afternoon, May 12th, at 4:00 pm. During May, we will be discussing two articles from the April Tabletalk. Our article for May 12th is, “For Whom Did Christ Die?” by Ryan McGraw. It begins on page 23.

Dorcas Ministry Collection For May: North Greenville Crisis Ministry

The Dorcas Ministry focus the month of May will be the North Greenville Crisis Center. Collection will be on Sunday, May 19th. A listing of needed items will follow.

We received an acknowledgement from the OPC Diaconal Fund for our contribution of $155 for our March Disaster Relief contribution.

Church Cookout May 4

On Saturday, May 4th, we will be having a Church cookout at the Barron’s home. The meat will be provided, while each family is asked to bring a dish to add to the meal. The sign-up sheet for attendance and side dishes will be on the table at the back of the sanctuary. Guests are welcome to attend.

Catechism Corner

Q. 55. How doeth Christ make intercession?
Christ maketh intercession, by his appearing in our nature continually before the Father in heaven, in the merit of his obedience and sacrifice on earth, declaring his will to have it applied to all believers; answering all accusations against them, and procuring for them quiet of conscience, notwithstanding daily failings, access with boldness to the throne of grace, and acceptance of their persons and services.

(Westminster Larger Catechism)

Tabletalk Moment

The Importance Of Obedience: It is vital that we strive to do what the Lord wants us to do in all things and that we quickly and truly repent when we have failed to obey Him. (Tabletalk Magazine, April 25, page 57).

Short Items

Sunday School: This Sunday at 9:30am in the Camellia Room, we move on to Zechariah, Chapter 1, seeing this priest and prophet’s exhortation to the returned exiles to remember God’s faithfulness and to be faithful in return. Dr. Iain Duguid’s lesson in the Adult Quarterly is titled, “Keep The Faith!” To get the full context, read all of Zechariah 1 and 2.

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