Pastor Barron will preach from Genesis 21:22-34; his sermon title is “Only a Well.”
Wednesday Prayer Time/Bible Study Continues September 19
This coming Wednesday we will gather at 7:00 p.m. in the Orchid Room for prayer for the church and to resume our study in Romans 5. All are welcome to attend.
Monthly Church Discussion This Sunday Afternoon
Our monthly Church Discussion time will be this Sunday at 4:00 p.m. at the Barron’s residence. The article that will be our focus for the time is by Randall Van Meggelen and is entitled New Covenant Worship: Lift Up Your Hearts.” It is found on page 66 of the August Table Talk. If you do not have the Table Talk, there are copies on the table at the back of the sanctuary.
Dorcas Ministry Piedmont Women’s Center ‘Baby Bottle Fund Raiser’ Collection This Sunday
The Dorcas Ministry focus for September is Piedmont Women’s Center. We are receiving donations Sunday for their “Baby Bottle Fund Raiser.” Please return your baby bottle after making your donation.
Catechism Corner
Q. 69. What is the communion in grace which the members of the invisible church have with Christ?
A. The communion in grace which the members of the invisible church have with Christ, is their partaking of the virtue of his mediation, in their justification, adoption, sanctification, and whatever else, in this life, manifests their union with him.
(Westminster Larger Catechism)
Table Talk Moment
Christian Love Defined: “In an age when love is frequently lauded but often misunderstood, we must have a proper view of love. Modern culture bombards us with messages telling us that love is a mere feeling, that we will never disapprove of those whom we truly love, and that everything done in the name of love is right. But the Scriptures instruct us otherwise. God’s word makes it clear that true love is costly.” (September 10, page 43).
Short Items
Sunday School: This Sunday at 9:30am in the Camellia Room, we continue our study in the Book of Esther, focusing on Esther 6:1-7:10. Our topic for Sunday will be, “God Saves His People.” We arrive this Sunday at the turning point of the book, where King Ahasuerus has sleepless night in advance of Mordecai’s scheduled execution. For background reading, look at Esther 6-9.
The Lord’s Supper will be observed September 30.
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