Wednesday Bible Study Moves To Orchid Room
The Woodlands at Furman has moved our 7:00 Wednesday Night Bible Study from the Media Room to the Orchid Room. This is a permanent move. The Orchid Room is the sunroom off of the Camellia Room where we meet on Sunday mornings.
This is an important ministry of our young church. Please make every effort to attend for prayer and growth in discipleship.
Brent Turner Returns To Preach Sunday
Dr. E. Brent Turner, Executive Director of Christian Education Ministries, an agency of the ARPC, will return to our pulpit this Sunday. Brent is an ordained minister in the ARP Church. He earned a B.A. in English Bible from Columbia International University and a Master of Divinity from Erskine Theological Seminary. Brent has served as an Associate Pastor for 15 years in the ARPC and has over 20 years of experience working in Christian Education.
Making Out Checks
We now have a bank account, and it is important to make your checks out to “North Greenville Church” so that we can have no problems depositing them.