Preaching Through Genesis Moves On To Circumcision

Pastor Barron’s sermon series in Genesis continues this Lord’s Day with “Covenant of Circumcision.” His text is Genesis 17:1-27.

Truth Project Continues Next Wednesday Evening

This Wednesday, July 25, we move closer to the conclusion of  The Truth Project, with Tour #11. The topic is, “Labor: Created to Create.” Contrary to a great deal of contemporary popular opinion, work is not a “curse.” God Himself is active and creative, and He calls man to share in the joy of His activity and creativity. Labor, economics, media, and the creative arts all have a role to play in magnifying the glory of the Creator. The showing will be at 6:30 pm in the Camellia Room.

Lord’s Supper Next Sunday

Next Sunday morning, we will celebrating the Lord’s Supper. Spend time this week reflecting upon what it means to be a child of God, the sacrifice that Jesus willfully made to save you, and what it means to move forward living for Him.

Dorcas Ministry July Project Honors The Memory Of Lucky Thomas

You can still participate in the Dorcas Ministry focus for July, the Cups Crossover Ministry in honor of Lucky Thomas. The goal of this ministry is to educate young girls and boys about the dangers of human trafficking and prostitution by teaching them life skills, English, and the love of Jesus. More information on the ministry can be found on its website. Donations can be made to the North Greenville Church with a notation that it is for the Dorcas Ministry.
The August focus will be the North Greenville Crisis Ministry. We will receive the donations on August 19th.

Catechism Corner

Q. 66. What is that union which the elect have with Christ?
A. The union which the elect have with Christ is the work of God’s grace, whereby they are spiritually and mystically, yet really and inseparably, joined to Christ as their head and husband; which is done in their effectual calling.

(Westminster Larger Catechism)

Table Talk Moment

Authentic Saving Faith: There are “…three key elements: notitia, assensus, and fiducia. Notitia consists in knowing the basic facts concerning the person and work of Jesus. Assensus is the belief that these facts are true. Fiducia means personally entrusting ourselves to Christ to save us.”  (Friday, July 13, page 46).

Short Items

Monthly Church Discussion: Our next discussion time will take place Sunday, August 12, at the Barron’s residence, starting at 4:00 pm. The feature article is by Jared S. Oliphint and is entitled “Defending the Faith.” It is found on page 68 of the July Table Talk. If you do not have the Table Talk, there are copies on the table at the back of the sanctuary.
Sunday School:
This Sunday at 9:30 am in the Camellia Room, we will wind up our short study of the book of James
, focusing on James 5: 7-20. Our topic for Sunday will be, “Being Patient Until The Coming Of The Lord.” Although we live in a world of many tribulations, our comfort is that Christ has overcome the world. For background reading, look at all of James 4 and 5.

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