The Rev. David Huffman officially accepted a call extended by the congregation of North Greenville Church to become the second pastor of the church. Pastor Huffman accepted the call prior to morning worship on June 2, 2024. His first sermon as pastor marked the beginning of a preaching series on Romans. His installation service will be announced at a later date.
Pastor Huffman has filled pastoral positions at Rowan Presbyterian Church (ARP) and Oak Ridge Presbyterian Church (ARP), along with staff positions and internships at First Presbyterian Church Columbia, SC, and First ARP Church, Lancaster, SC. Pastor Huffman and his wife, Eve, are relocating from Lancaster, SC, to the Travelers Rest area.
Pastor Huffman, a native of Bluefield, WV, is a graduate of Columbia International University and Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte. He is a member of Catawba Presbytery (ARP).
Pastor Huffman succeeds the Rev. Billy Barron, who is honorably retired from Second Presbytery (ARP). North Greenville Church, established in 2016, is an independent Reformed and presbyterian fellowship located in Travelers Rest, SC.
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