Pastor Barron is scheduled to interrupt his convalescence from knee replacement surgery to preach to us this Lord’s Day. His sermon title is “Laughter Finally Comes!” from Genesis 21:1-21.
Wedneday Prayer Time/Bible Study Resumes September 12
This coming Wednesday we will gather in the Orchid Room for prayer for the church and to resume our study in Romans 5. All are welcome to attend. We will switch ahead to a 7:00 p.m. starting time.
Monthly Church Discussion Next Sunday Afternoon
Our next Sunday afternoon Church Discussion time will be September 16th, at 4:00 p.m. at the Barron’s residence. The article that will be our focus for the time is by Randall Van Meggelen and is entitled New Covenant Worship: Lift Up Your Hearts.” It is found on page 66 of the August Table Talk. If you do not have the Table Talk, there are copies on the table at the back of the sanctuary.
Dorcas Ministry September Focus On Piedmont Women’s Center
Catechism Corner
Q. 30. Doth God leave all mankind to perish in the estate of sin and misery?
A. God doth not leave all men to perish in the estate of sin and misery, into which they fell by the breach of the first covenant, commonly called the covenant of works; but of his mere love and mercy delivereth his elect out of it, and bringeth them into an estate of salvation by the second covenant, commonly called the covenant of grace.
(Westminster Larger Catechism)
Table Talk Moment
Burning Branches: “So, what is Jesus’ concern in the parable of the vine? It is to make fruit-bearing definitional of true Christian faith and to explain how it is that believers are spiritually fruitful.” (September 4, page 36).
Short Items
Sunday School: This Sunday at 9:30am in the Camellia Room, we continue our study in the Book of Esther, focusing on Esther 4:1-5:14. Our topic for Sunday will be, “Esther Steps Up.” Learn how Esther risks her life for the welfare of her people. For preparation reading, look at Esther 4-5.
Pastor Barron wishes to thank everyone for prayers and acts of kindness during his recent surgery and recovery.
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