Pastor Barron will preach from Hebrews 10:19-25 this Sunday. His sermon title is “Instruction on True Worship.”
Wednesday Prayer Time/Bible Study Continues In Romans
This coming Wednesday we will gather at 7:00 p.m. in the Orchid Room for prayer for the church and for Bible study. This week we will be picking up our study at Romans 8: 18. All are welcome to attend.
Monthly Church Discussion On October 21
On October 21, we will have our monthly Church Discussion time. The article that will be our focus for the time is by Mark E. Ross and is entitled “Living in the World to Come.” It is found on page 28 of the September TableTalk. If you do not have the TableTalk, there are copies on the table at the back of the sanctuary. We will meet at the home of Jack and Susan Williams, 215 Pearl Avenue, Marietta.
Dorcas Ministry Focus For October: North Greenville Crisis Ministry
Church Fellowship Cookout Next Saturday
Next Saturday, October 27, we will gather for a fellowship time and cookout at the Barrons. The event will begin at 12:00 noon. There is a sign-up sheet in the back for a head count and for volunteering to bring side dishes and/or desserts; or, you can respond to this email with the same information.
Elder Nominations Open
The Session Class of 2018 will complete its term of office at the end of December, as will all of our congregational officers: Congregational Chairman, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer. You are asked to make suggestions for an elder and congregational officers using the box on the table at the back of the sanctuary. The election process and schedule is as follows:
Nov. 5: Session sets slate of officers.
Nov. 12: Session will present slate of officers, trained and examined.
Nov. 18: Election of officers.
Continuing to serve as elders after the first of the year are Brent Butterfield and Stan Grist.
By-Laws Amendments To Be Presented For Congregational Vote
The Session is suggesting that the church allow for an additional membership class, that of Associate Member. This requires an amendment to the By-Laws. The proposed text of these amendments will be presented for discussion as an agenda item for the called congregational meeting on November 11 that will also include the presentation of the slate of Elder and congregational officer candidates. A second called congregational meeting is scheduled for November 18 at which the congregation will vote on the By-Laws amendments.
Church Nursery Volunteers Sought
On December 2, the church will begin to offer a nursery for children from infancy through age 3 during morning worship. It is the intention of the Session to provide nursery attendants from congregational volunteers on a rotating schedule. If you will agree to assist, please contact Pastor Barron.
Catechism Corner
Chapter 21: Religious Worship and the Sabbath Day
But the acceptable way of worshiping the true God has been instituted by himself, and so limited by his own revealed will, that he may not be worshiped according to the imaginations or devisings of men, or the suggestions of Satan, or under any visible representation, or any other way not commanded in Holy Scripture.
(From Paragraph 1, Modern English Version, Westminster Confession)
TableTalk Moment
God’s Means Of Sanctification: “As we read Scripture, hear Scripture preached, study Scripture, and meditate on Scripture’s precepts, we learn to think God’s thoughts after Him. We begin to reflect His character more and more. We are equipped to go into the world as Jesus did, proclaiming the truth without compromise and calling people to repentance and faith.” (October 15, page 46).
Short Items
Sunday School: This Sunday at 9:30am in the Camellia Room, we will continue our study in the Book of Daniel. Our topic for Sunday will be, “The End of Transgression,” covering Daniel 9. We will see how Daniel’s vision foretold the new covenant and the final atonement for sin and also unfolded a three-stage process for restoring God’s people and renewing the sanctuary. For background reading, look at Daniel 10-12 as well.
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