Pastor Barron will preach this Sunday from Mark 1:9-15; his sermon title will be “Jesus Came Preaching.”
Session Presents Slate Of Nominations For Officer Elections Next Sunday
Elder: Don Woodard (to serve for a 3 year term);
Congregational Chairman: Tommy Morgan;
Congregational Treasurer: Don Woodard;
Congregational Assistant Treasurer: Jim Moehlenbrock
The election of officers will occur next Sunday following the worship time, November 18, 2018.
Our By-Laws allow for absentee voting! To vote absentee – you must send your vote to Don Woodard who is the clerk of the Session your vote prior to the meeting on Sunday, November 18th. You may do this in form of communication, but it must be prior to the meeting on the 18th. If you will not be in attendance on November 18, and you are a member in good standing you are encouraged to vote, since we must have a quorum of the congregation present, which is:
One-fourth of the communicant membership entitled to vote shall constitute a quorum.
(NGC By-Laws, Article VI)
Continuing to serve as elders after the first of the year are Brent Butterfield and Stan Grist.
Church Discussion Time November 18 At The Butterfield’s
Our next gathering for a discussion on an October Tabletalk article will be Sunday, November 18 at 4:00 pm, at Brent and Anette Butterfield’s residence, 110 Mary Jo Drive, Easley. The article that will be our focus for the time is by Matthew S. Miller and is entitled “Embracing God’s Sovereignty in Salvation and Our Role as His Heralds.” It is found on Page 26 of the October Tabletalk.
If you haven’t attended recently, consider placing this on your schedule. It is a good time of learning, encouragement, delicious snacks and unity in love among our fellowship.
By-Laws Amendments To Be Presented Sunday For Congregational Vote November 18
The Session is suggesting that the church allow for an additional membership class, that of Associate Member. This requires an amendment to the By-Laws. The proposed text of these amendments will be presented for discussion as an agenda item for the called congregational meeting on November 11. The agenda for the meeting Sunday also includes the presentation of the slate of Elder and congregational officer candidates.
There will be an insert in the bulletin with the text of the amendments compared with the present wording. Absentee voting is permitted; if you cannot be present on November 18, reply to this notice with a request for a copy of the amendments.
A second called congregational meeting is scheduled for November 18, at which the congregation will vote on the By-Laws amendments.
Dorcas Ministry Focus For November Is OPC Hurricane Florence Fund
The Dorcas Ministry focus for November will be assistance for our Christian brothers and sisters who have been afflicted by the autumn hurricanes. The Dorcas Ministry has selected the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) Hurricane Florence Fund to help churches and people in New Bern, NC and Wilmington, NC. There are three churches in those locations whose congregants were affected by that storm. Members of those churches are represented on the committee overseeing use of the funds. We will receive the donations on November 18. Make your checks out to North Greenville Church and include in the memo “Hurricane Florence Fund.”
The OPC is a confessional Presbyterian denomination, similar in its doctrine to the ARPC. For more information on the OPC, consult Brent or Anette Butterfield. We will have two additional OPC Hurricane Florence Fund emphasis months inserted in our alternating schedule between Piedmont Women’s Center and the North Greenville Crisis Ministry.
Church Nursery Volunteers Sought
On December 2, the church will begin to offer a nursery for children from infancy through age 3 during morning worship. It is the intention of the Session to provide nursery attendants from congregational volunteers on a rotating schedule. If you will agree to assist, please contact Pastor Barron.
Catechism Corner
Chapter XIV: Of Saving Faith
I. The grace of faith, whereby the elect are enabled to believe to the saving of their souls, is the work of the Spirit of Christ in their hearts, and is ordinarily wrought by the ministry of the Word, by which also, and by the administration of the sacraments, and prayer, it is increased and strengthened.
(Westminster Confession)
Tabletalk Moment
Peter’s Misguided Zeal: John Calvin writes, “Those who have resolved to plead the cause of Christ do not always conduct themselves so skillfully as not to commit some fault; and, therefore, we ought the more earnestly to entreat the Lord to guide us in every action by the spirit of prudence.” (November 2, page 35).
Short Items
Wednesday Prayer/Bible Study Now On Thanksgiving Break: Pastor Barron will be representing the ARPC at the 44th Annual Meeting of the North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council (NAPARC) next week in Philadelphia. The following week will be Thanksgiving Week. We will therefore resume our Wednesday night activities on November 28. (NAPARC is composed of 13 confessional Presbyterian denominations in the United States and Canada.)
Sacrament Of The Lord’s Supper: On November 25th, we will celebrating the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper during our morning worship. The sacrament is what we call “a means of grace.” By that we mean that is gift from God to help us grow in our Christian walk and our trust of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. According to RTS President Ligon Duncan, “Ordinary means ministry believes that the key things that the church can do in order to help people know God and grow in their knowledge of God are: First, emphasize the public reading and preaching of the Word; second, emphasize the confirming, sanctifying and assuring efficacy of the sacraments, publicly administered; and third, emphasize a life of prayer, especially expressed corporately in the church.”
Sunday School: This Sunday at 9:30am in the Camellia Room, we will move on to 2 Chronicles. Our topic for Sunday will be, “Seeking God’s Face,” covering 2 Chronicles 7. We will see how God’s people can move from curse and judgment to blessing through seeking the Lord with humility and confession, then and now. For background reading, look at 1 Chronicles 26-28 and 2 Chronicles 1-9 as well.
Continuing prayer concerns: Continue to pray for our church family, especially those with special health needs and those recovering from recent surgeries.
Thanksgiving this Armistice Day for all who have given their lives in our country’s wars, George and Valeria Greer (pray for improved strength and stamina; Valeria–relief from arthritic pain), Barbara Snider (Sarah Barron’s mother, praise: doing much better), Billy and Sissy Barron (safety to and from the NAPARC meeting in Pennsylvania), James Stewart (several heart stoppages restarted by his defibrillator implant; doctors don’t know the cause), Tommy Morgan’s sister Rebecca in Boston (struggling deeply with life issues), Hampton Stewart (faithfulness while at USC Columbia), Jackson Stewart (to have successful job interviews), Ann Tankersley (torn rotator cuff), Randy Jeffeaux (cancer in remission; that it will stay away), Malachi Grist (salvation, perseverance in resuming his education), Renee Hood (friend of Janice Woodard, in the hospital; latter stages of cancer, not long to survive), our country (growth of the church of Christ in our land, healing of deep divisions among our people), North Greenville Church (growth in sanctification, discipleship, outreach and numbers).
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