‘Worship The King All Glorious Above’

The Rev. Alan Avera will preach this Sunday from Matthew 2:1-15. The title of his sermon is, “How Will You Respond to God’s King?” Rev. Avera is the United States Director of Christianity Explored and has been a good friend of the North Greenville Church from the beginning. Pastor Barron is officiating at the baptism of granddaughter Samantha Barron (David and Brittany) at Horizon PCA.

Sunday Afternoon Discussion Group Meetings Now Twice Per Month

Starting in January, we are expanding our Church Discussion time to twice a month. Our next discussion time will be next Sunday afternoon, January 6, at 4:00 pm.  The article that will be our focus is by Nathan W. Bingham and is titled “Making Prayer a Priority” It is found on page 62 of the December Tabletalk. If you do not have the Tabletalk, there are copies on the table at the back of the sanctuary.

Church Nursery Volunteers Sought

The church now offers a nursery for children from infancy through age 3 during morning worship. It is the intention of the Session to provide nursery attendants from congregational volunteers on a rotating schedule. If you will agree to assist, please contact Pastor Barron.

Catechism Corner

Q. 54. How is Christ exalted in his sitting at the right hand of God?
A. Christ is exalted in his sitting at the right hand of God, in that as God-man he is advanced to the highest favour with God the Father, with all fulness of joy, glory, and power over all things in heaven and earth; and does gather and defend his church, and subdue their enemies; furnisheth his ministers and people with gifts and graces, and maketh intercession for them.

(Westminster Larger Catechism)

Tabletalk Moment

The Apostle Of Hope:  Typically, we use the word “hope” when we are referring to uncertainties. Biblical hope refers to certainties, for the Lord is incapable of breaking His pledges to us. (Tabletalk Magazine, December 25, page 56).

Looking Ahead: The focus of January Tabletalk is the Synod of Dort, which took place 400 years ago. Our January discussion time gathering will consider one of the articles written about Dort in the January Tabletalk. January copies are available on the back table.

Short Items

Wednesday Prayer/Bible Study: Join us for Wednesday night Bible Study as we pray and study God’s Word together. This week we will be picking up at Romans 11.

Sunday School: This Sunday at 9:30am in the Camellia Room, we will study 2 Timothy 1 from the ARP Adult Quarterly. Our topics for Sunday will be, “Guard the Gospel Like Those Before You.” In this prison epistle, Paul encourages Timothy to pick up the mantle of pastoral leadership.

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