Standing Firm In the Faith

This Sunday Pastor Barron brings a message from Hebrews 2:1-4 entitled “Do Not Neglect the Cross”. The theme of this study in Hebrews is an emphasis on how the Scriptures authoritatively point to the supremacy of Christ.

“Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it.” 2:1 (ESV) Compare similar admonitions in 3:12-14.

If disobedience to the old covenant brought immediate punishment to the violators, how much more uncompromising will the judgment be for neglecting to obey the New Covenant gospel of salvation, mediated by the Son? This salvation includes inheritance of the world to come (v. 5), purification from sins (v2:11, 17), and the privilege of drawing near to God, offering worship that pleases Him. (v. 4:16, v. 12:28).