Review And Approval Of The NGC By-Laws
The Steering Committee has released the final draft By-Laws document for comment. You are encouraged to download them here or from a new page on Billy will have a limited number of hard copies available for those without internet access for our worship service this Sunday, September 4 (Derek Wells preaching). If you have comments or objections to anything in the By-Laws, you should communicate them to Billy by writing or email <>; 420-8112 by September 18. We will hear and discuss written comments submitted to Billy by members at an informational meeting following worship on Sept. 18 (Max Bolin preaching; moderated by the Steering Committee).
If there are no comments/objections to the draft, the Provisional Session and Steering Committee will vote final approval at the Sept. 19 Steering Committee meeting. If there are changes to be made, the approval vote on the amended document will be scheduled for October 4. The procedures presented in the draft By-Laws for congregational meetings will govern our meetings.
This will be a significant step forward in the process of our organization as a regular church.
Wednesday Bible Study Finishing Up Ephesians
We are now well into husband/wife relationships in Chapter 5. This is an important ministry of our young church. Please make every effort to attend for prayer and growth in discipleship. Held Wednesday evenings at The Woodlands, Orchid Room, 7:00 p.m.
Membership Season
If you were not able to be in attendance to be examined for membership last Sunday, there is still plenty of time to join the Church. Just contact Billy Barron, <>; 420-8112.
Short Items:
Derek Wells will be back in the pulpit this Sunday.
Sunday School: This Sunday we begin a new quarter studying I and II Samuel, “The Triumph Of God’s Anointed.” This Sunday is “Lifting Up The Lowly.”
Joint Worship With Living Hope PC On Sept. 11: On September 11, we will join with Living Hope Presbyterian Church congregation at their building in Greer at 9:00 for prayer, 10:00 for worship. The provisional session encourages the North Greenville congregation to extend the right hand of fellowship to this sister congregation. Their pastor, Rev. Steve Hill, preached for us a few weeks ago. Their building is located at 318 Hillcrest Dr Greer, SC 29651. If you need a ride, reply to this email.
Sunday Evening With Living Hope PC On Sept. 11: We have also been invited to Living Hope PC for a special seminar, “Music In Worship,”
presented by Pastor Boyce Wilson, former pastor of Ebeneezer Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in Rock Hill, SC. Pastor Wilson will be playing his guitar and leading us in singing Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, in praise to our great God. He will lead us through Scriptures that focus on the role of music not only as it applies to worship in the church, but also as it factors into our daily walk with Christ. The seminar begins at 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday Night Bible Study Announcement: There will be no prayer and study session on Sept. 7 and Sept. 21 because of Billy’s travel schedule. The Steering Committee invites members to take advantage of our standing invitation to join with Greenville ARP these two Wednesdays. Supper begins at 6:00. You are sure to see some familiar faces, including our own Will and Sarah Barron.