Pastor Barron is continuing his December series on people at the time of Jesus’ birth. This evening at 7:00 at the Woodlands he will present John The Baptist’s mother, Elizabeth.
Short Items:
Pastor Barron will preach to us this Sunday.
A Special Offering will be collected after worship on December 18 to support Christmas gifts for our shut-ins.
Q&A and Fellowship Time This Sunday: Following worship, we will again have a time of fellowship with members and visitors, along with a Q&A time with Pastor Barron about the sermon. This brief time will end no later than noon.
Sunday School: We are continuing with the Winter 2016-2017 Adult Quarterly, “The Power Of The Gospel,” on Paul’s epistles to the Galatians and Romans. Dr. Ross’ lesson for Sunday is titled, “The Gospel Jesus Christ.” Our focal passage is Galatians 2: 1-21. Paul describes how his salvation is by faith and not by works of the law; Jesus’ righteousness is imputed to believers on account of His keeping the law. Good works are an evidence of a lively faith in the believer.