Prayer Meeting And Bible Study Tonight

Pastor Barron will begin a new study on I Timothy this evening, following a time of prayer for the congregation.

Election Results

The congregation of North Greenville church elected the following men to the office of elder:

Brent Butterfield
Stan Grist
Don Woodard
These men will be ordained and installed on Sunday, March 26. Our By-Laws also specify the election and installation of congregational officers: Congregational Chairman, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer. The election will be scheduled by the Steering Committee at its March meeting next Monday. Until these congregational officers are elected and installed, the Steering Committee Chairman, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer will continue to serve in these roles.

Dorcas Ministry Collection For The North Greenville Crisis Ministry

This Sunday, March 19, 2017, the Dorcas Ministry of North Greenville Church will collect canned goods and paper products for the North Greenville Crisis Ministry.  This crisis center ministers specifically to the Travelers Rest community and seeks to provide short-term assistance to families who need a boost toward independence.  Suggested items for donation include the following:

  • canned goods (no fresh produce, refrigerated food, or frozen items since there is nowhere to store them)
  • dried noodles
  • peanut butter
  • canned meats
  • canned fish
  • canned beef stew
  • paper items, including diapers for infants, toddlers, and adults
  • bar soap

Canned goods with self-opening tabs (not requiring a can opener) and food preserved in jars are especially useful.

All items collected on Sunday will be delivered to the center this week.  We will not be storing anything at The Woodlands for later delivery.  This is the first event for the Dorcas Project set up by the women of our church to encourage us to serve our community and missionaries both here and abroad.

Short Items:

Rev. Alan Avera returns to our pulpit this Sunday.
Sunday School:
We have begun a new quarter with a study of the Gospel of Matthew, Chapters 13-28, titled, “…He has risen, as He said.” Our lesson for Sunday is “Son Of The Living God,” from Matthew 16: 13–17: 8. This covers Peter’s testimony of Jesus as Messiah, Peter’s future role in the church, Jesus’ death in Jerusalem foretold, and the Transfiguration. For additional background reading, look at Psalms 54-59.
Congregational Luncheon March 26. Following Lord’s Day worship on March 26, we will have a congregational gathering for lunch at the Olympian Grille on Duncan Chapel Rd. We will begin at 12:00 noon. Please check your schedule and let Lucky Thomas know (561-6657; of your plans to attend by Wednesday, March 22.

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